A Little More YouTube

After a long (long, long) break from YouTube (it felt like just a few months, but I notice that it’s actually been just short of a year since I made a new YouTube video), I got the urge to start making some again. I think I had burned out a bit by putting myself on too strict a ‘production schedule’, which was totally unnecessary. So I’m going to make them when I feel like making them :)

At any rate, I just posted one that reviews the interface of and how to use Nik (Now DxO) Color Efex Pro. Color Efex Pro is a very useful and powerful Photoshop plug-in that I use frequently. There are some hidden features and interface quirks though, and I cover those in my video. So if you use Color Efex Pro, or are thinking about getting it, the video will hopefully be useful to you. If you enjoy this type of content, please consider subscribing!

If you subscribe to the blog by email, the video won’t come along. But you can view it on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/S2KUCJcrAAI

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