Learning A Bit About Strobes

I have been photographing for quite some time, but it has always been with the use of natural light. So I decided it was time to learn a bit about how to use strobes. I had actually purchased two Interfit strobes some time ago when they were having a really big sale, knowing that I would want to learn at some point. So the time has come to learn about radio triggers, channels, inverse square, manual strobe use etc. I would really like to have some human subjects, but for the time being I decided to work with indoor (it’s cold outside) still life subjects.

This image is actually composed of two blended exposures, one for the dark center of the flower and one for the petals. The flower was shot against a white background and three textures were dropped in afterwards.

Sunflower     © Howard Grill

Sunflower © Howard Grill