The Fears Of An Artist

Artists in any and all genres have fears and uncertainty when it comes to their work. What are these fears of an artist?

Is my work good enough?
Am I creative enough?
What will people think of my work and of me?
Am I as good as (fill in the blank)?

The questions go on and on, but often focus on issues of uncertainty, perfectionism, and comparison to others. These can be difficult issues to address, but an exceedingly good place to start to understand them, to recognize that they are not unique to you but are instead universal to all artists, and to start to learn how to best funnel 'yourself' into your art is the book "Art and Fear" by David Bayles and Ted Orland. It is a book that can be extremely helpful to artists of all genres. My copy has been read multiple times and is both highlighted and 'dog eared'. I can't recommend it highly enough. You can get a copy here if you'd like (affiliate link). It just may be the best $8.99 you spend on your art.

Art And Fear

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