Do You Get Up At The Crack Of Dawn?

Ah, the 'Golden Hour'! Do you get up at the crack of dawn to photograph? Or, like me, do you have a million excuses for not waking up early and just roll over in bed for more sleep? This video exposes the weakness behind many such excuses and talks about the benefits of getting up early to go out and photograph.

I believe there are a good deal of other psychological benefits (especially in the Covid era) as well as photographic ones to be waking up early and getting out to make photos. Greeting the day with photography is never a bad idea in my book!

Do you frequently get up at the crack of dawn to make photographs, and, if so, do you find yourself wanting to do it more often? Do you agree with the benefits of getting up at the crack of dawn to photograph that I mentioned? Do you feel there are others that I missed?

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