Chart Recorders

This chart recorder was used to constantly monitor the temperature of the stoves, which were used to heat incoming air to approximately 1800 degrees before allowing it to pass into the furnace. It was important that the temperature of the stoves be kept between 1600-1800 degrees. Only supervisors in the stove room were given access to the chart room.

Interestingly, since the facility currently has no electricity, this room was pitch dark each time I visited and I could see absolutely nothing. On one particular day I walked in at exactly the right moment. There was one very small window in the room and the sun was positioned so that it was streaming directly through this window and onto these chart recorders, which I had never been able to see before. I had to work quickly, as I didn't know how long the room would stay lit. About 15-20 minutes later the light was gone, but not before I managed to make this photograph. I have never again seen the room with any light in it!

The audio component describes how the chart recorders were used.

Chart recorders used to keep track of the temperature in each individual stove.