The Camera Is With Me

About the same time that I decided it would be a good idea to take some "Photo Walks", I decided that it would also be a good idea to try to take a camera to work with me because you just never know when you might see something interesting on the way there or the way home. I usually treated my photo outings as discreet events not coinciding with anything else, but I am trying to make that change.

At any rate, last Friday I woke to snow coming down and had a camera with me on the way to work. I had a very early off-campus meeting I had to go to and needed to drive to my main workplace after that. By the time I got to the meeting the trees were looking quite white and beautiful (I will admit that snow looks nice, though I dislike the cold, the shoveling, and most other things that go along with it). After the meeting I decided it would be just fine to take five or ten minutes for myself in order to take some hand-held shots of the trees at the edge of the parking lot.

It is nice to have a 'real' camera with you when things start happening.