Combining Techniques

I posted the photo from which this work is derived some time ago. However, I have been revisiting some images in light of the various techniques I have recently been learning. At this point, I am trying to combine multiple techniques to see what results can be achieved.

In this case, I printed the photograph in black and white on watercolor paper and then hand-pained it with watercolor paints while using pencils to ensure the eye and hair were brought out. I then photographed the result. I also took the original photograph and did an alcohol gel transfer onto watercolor paper and then photographed that result.

Finally, I brought the two photographs of the hand-pained and alcohol gel artworks into Photoshop as layers and combined them to yield this image.

The various techniques I have been utilizing can combine quite nicely with each other. I am finding there are many, many treatments you can use with your photographs.

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