Finger Lakes Region

Last week I had the good fortune of going on a photo trip with a friend to the Finger Lakes region of New York. This particular image of Taughannock Falls was made on our second trip to the park. Why two trips? The first day we were there, the air was orange (no, I mean it, it really was orange) with a deep haze. To be honest, we really didn’t know what was going on until later that day when we found out it was due to the Canadian wildfires that were still burning many miles away. It was hard to believe smoke could travel that far. But there was rain that evening, and the next morning the air seemed much clearer, so we returned.


Taughannock Falls © Howard Grill


But you must be wondering it looked like the day before. Below is an unprocessed cell phone shot that I took that first day at the falls.


As they say, what a difference a day makes!

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