The Things You Can't See

I really enjoy long exposure photography and the way it either smooths things out over time or lets you see things that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to. This particular image, which was taken at Bandon Beach on the Oregon Coast, falls into the ‘smooths things out’ category. For those who are interested, this is a 32 second exposure at f16, ISO 200 using both a polarizer and a 6 stop neutral density filter. In addition to the smoothing, it also allows one to see the curious ‘serpent’s tongue’ in the foreground caused, I assume, by differences in flow. I did slightly enhance ‘the tongue’ in post-processing, but it was there from the start and I enjoyed what it added to the photo.

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If you are interested in neutral density filters , I did a short video looking at some of their qualities on my YouTube channel. Finally, if you also enjoy long exposure photography, then have a look at the work of photographer Michael Kenna….he is one of my favorites!