Trying New Things

I like trying and learning new things, particularly when it involves Photoshop. I find it a challenge that I enjoy taking on. I have been learning about compositing and making images that portray places that do not actually exist. So when I was introduced to the Shift Art challenge in December I thought I would give it a go even though this sort of ‘fantasy style’ work is not what I typically do. But it did offer me a chance to try to be creative and practice compositing.

For the ‘challenge’, one is presented with a number of images to download. The rules are that a certain number of these images must be used in the finished image, which must also include the model image as the main subject and which must also portray a specific theme. In this particular challenge the theme was “Treasure Hunt”.

If you are interested in seeing the supplied starting images (they display five of them, but there were actually several more to use, including the treasure chest and raven) as well as the winning images (my image below is in the ‘Also Noticed’ section) have a look here at the December Shift art Challenge.

While it isn’t my usual style, I did have some fun composing the scene!