The Jade Plant Flower

Continuing my foray into cacti and succulents.....

Most people have seen the jade plant, but I am betting that not everyone who has seen the plant has seen it in bloom. Only plants that are mature can flower, so plan on growing that one you just bought from Home Depot for a bit before expecting flowers. In order to flower, the plant requires a rest period with cooler (but nowhere near freezing) temperatures, shorter days (less sunlight), and much less water in order to bloom.

I got the chance to photograph a massive specimen plant at Phipps Conservatory and so had many flowers to choose from. Though they usually grow in clusters, by carefully choosing my flower and the angle I photographed from I was able to isolate a single one. And here we have it, in black and white, with a touch of toning thrown in for good measure.

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) Flower    © Howard Grill

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