Ansel Was Here...Probably...Maybe

One of the many nice things about going on a workshop run by people devoted to teaching and ensuring a great experience is that they have plans 'up their sleeve' about where to go in order to get good shots in any weather condition.  So when the weather was less than optimal, in this case bright sunshine, blue sky, and no clouds.......John and Dan took us out to two superb 'old car graveyards'. I don't necessarily present the image below as 'fine art', but I do present it because of its very interesting history.  Does it look familiar to anyone?  How about that roof rack?

Well, this car supposedly belonged to Ansel Adams and that is his signature roof rack.  Now I don't say supposedly in an idle, matter of fact way.  Once again, supposedly, the vehicle VIN numbers have been matched to the car he owned in order to make the ID. Apparently, the front of the car had been replaced at some point so the license plate may not be helpful. Is it true?  Who knows (well, maybe somebody does) and in reality he left us so much that it really is a triviality as to whether this is truly the car he photographed from or not.

Still, the idea of him standing up there in Yosemite.........