Google Abandons The Nik Collection

A bit of bad news in the world of image editing software. The highly acclaimed and widely used Nik software bundle is to be abandoned by Google, the company that purchased it in 2012. While Nik software will still be made available, it's not going to be updated moving forward and may well find itself incompatible with Photoshop, Windows, or Mac in coming years.

It is really a pity considering how good the bundle is and how many photographers, myself included, use it regularly. Silver Efex Pro is my 'go to' black and white conversion software. I suspect it will be some time before it is no longer compatible with Photoshop or Windows, but almost assuredly it will be rendered so at some point.

The full details of the Nik demise can be read in this article on the PetaPIxel website.


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